Caprice võtab Londoni pargis joogakunsti praktiseerides rahulikku lähenemist (10 Fotod)

Kogu kaose ja paanikaga Ühendkuningriigis käimasoleva koroonaviiruse ümber (COVID-19) haiguspuhang, endine modell Caprice võtab Londoni pargis JOOGA kunsti praktiseerides rahuliku lähenemise, 03/17/2020. Caprice näitas oma pesulaua keskosa ja kaitses end kardetud viiruse eest, kandes linnas ringi kõndides näomaski.

Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)
Caprice Takes a Serene Approach by Practicing the Art of Yoga in a London park (10 Photos)

Autor: Fappening

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