Kaia Gerber uimastab bikiinides, olles koos Jacob Elordi ja tema vanematega puhkusel (34 Fotod)

Nähakse, et Kaia Gerber viib oma suhte järgmisele tasemele, nautides puhkust uue poiss-sõbra Jacob Elordiga, samuti tema vanemad, supermodell Cindy Crawford ja Rande Gerber.
Kaia näitas oma sensatsioonilist keha vaevu bikiinides, samal ajal paljastas Jacob Mehhiko kuumust nautides oma rebenenud kehaehitust.
Cindy Crawford näitas oma modelli välimust ka mustade bikiinidega.
Kuigi näib, et Kaia ja Jacob on koos olnud vaid paar nädalat, asjad näivad edenevat kiiresti, kuna nad on LA-s koos aega veetnud, NY, ja tal on selgelt ka tema vanemate kinnitus.

Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)
Kaia Gerber Stuns in a Bikini While on Vacation with Jacob Elordi and Her Parents (34 Photos)

Autor: Fappening

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