カプリスはロンドンの公園でヨガの芸術を実践しています (18 写真)

アメリカのモデルで起業家のカプリスは、ロンドンの公園で逆立ちをしているときに誤ってブラジャーと引き締まった腹筋を露出させてしまったため、ヨガの練習をしながらメイクアップ フリーのルックを選びました。, 03/23/2021.
インスタグラム: https://www.instagram.com/capricebourret/

Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)
Caprice Practices the Art of Yoga at a London Park (18 Photos)

著者: ファプニング



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