クラウディア・ロマーニと彼女の友人クロエ・グレコがプールサイドでくつろぐ (20 写真)

イタリア系アメリカ人のモデルでリアリティ番組のスターであるクラウディア・ロマーニとアルゼンチンのインスタグラムでセンセーションを巻き起こしたクロエ・グレコがマイアミのプールで目撃された, 03/01/2020.
クロエは赤いワンピースの T バック水着を着て、クラウディアは小さめの赤い T バック ビキニを着ています。. モデルたちは寒さも気にせずプールを楽しんでいた様子.
クラウディア: http://instagram.com/claudia_romani
クロエ: https://www.instagram.com/cloegreco/

Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)
Claudia Romani and Her Friend Cloe Greco Chill by the Pool (20 Photos)

著者: ファプニング



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