Александра Берк рассталась со своим бойфрендом, футболист Ангус Макдональд (17 Фото)

Бывшая победительница X-Factor Александра Берк рассталась со своим бойфрендом, футболист Ангус Макдональд. Согласно отчетам, пара мирно рассталась и остается хорошими друзьями, несмотря на то, что их пути разошлись..
Александра Берк была замечена прибывшей в Sexy Fish Mayfair, чтобы отпраздновать свое 32-летие с Бо Ангусом Макдональдом из Rotherham FC., 08/29/2020.
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/alexandraburke/

Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)
Alexandra Burke Splits From Her Boyfriend, the Footballer Angus MacDonald (17 Photos)

Автор: фаппинг

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