Джастин Бибер & Хейли Бибер наслаждается романтическим отдыхом на греческом острове Милос (46 Фото)

Canadian superstar Justin Bieber and his wife, the American model Hailey Baldwin continue their romantic getaway on the Greek island of Milos, 06/30/2021.
The couple spotted spent their time lapping up the Greek sunshine on their lavish 180-foot luxury Mustique yacht as Justin donned his red shorts and Hailey wearing a skimpy purple bikini.
With a little dinghy ride out to sea, the couple return to shower off in the blazing hot Greek sunshine.
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/haileybieber/

Justin Bieber & Hailey Bieber Enjoy Their Romantic Getaway on the Greek Island of Milos (46 Photos)

Автор: фаппинг

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