Необычная модель ошеломляет в розовом, когда она выходит в город (27 Фото)

WH выглядит сенсационно в ярко-розовом наряде, выходя на вечеринку.. Она выглядела шикарно в ярко-розовом мини-платье с огромным бантом сбоку от Кристиана Коуэна в сочетании со сверкающими розовыми ботинками до колен и подходящей розовой сумочкой Chanel..
Модель дополнила образ изготовленной на заказ бриллиантовой подвеской от Milana B.. Коллекция ювелирных изделий. Она также продемонстрировала новую прическу.. WH выглядел потрясающе, но, похоже, ему не хватало необходимого аксессуара., маска.

Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)
Unusual Model Stuns in a Pink as She Steps Out on the Town (27 Photos)

Автор: фаппинг

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