海滩仍然对罗德斯图尔特和家人开放 (17 相片)

罗德斯图尔特与妻子彭妮兰卡斯特和他的孩子肖恩和艾登在海滩享受美好的天气, 04/03/2020. 西棕榈滩市长下令从今天开始关闭所有海滩,因为目前的封锁是为了减缓冠状病毒的传播.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny.lancaster/

Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)
Beach is Still Open For Rod Stewart and the Family (17 Photos)

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