夏洛特·克罗斯比在桑德兰的棕榈餐厅不戴胸罩 (28 相片)

Geordie Shore 的明星 Charlotte Crosby 穿着紧身白色连衣裙裸露胸罩,发现她的纹身大块头和男友 Liam Beaumont 合照抵达桑德兰的棕榈餐厅, 05/18/2021.
由于英国放宽了对 COVID-19 的限制,食客现在可以在餐厅内用餐. 夏洛特早些时候和她的朋友们一起参加了一场卡丁车比赛来庆祝她的 31 岁生日.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charlottegshore/

Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)
Charlotte Crosby Goes Braless at The Palm Restaurant in Sunderland (28 Photos)

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