克劳迪娅·罗曼尼 (Claudia Romani) 在冠状病毒紧急情况下喂邻居猫 (18 相片)

在迈阿密海滩的冠状病毒紧急情况下,克劳迪娅·罗曼尼(Claudia Romani)喂养附近的猫, 03/22/2020. 克劳迪娅选择了黑色开衩运动风格连衣裙和白色运动鞋坡跟以及防护手套,同时携带一袋袋猫粮.
Instagram: http://instagram.com/claudia_romani

Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)
Claudia Romani Feeds the Neighborhood Cats During the Coronavirus Emergency (18 Photos)

作者: 发生



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