克劳迪娅·罗曼尼 (Claudia Romani) 在海滩上炫耀她的曲线 (14 相片)

意大利/美国比基尼宝贝, 电视真人秀名人和丁字裤鉴赏家 Claudia Romani 正在庆祝两个伟大的里程碑: 南海滩几乎在之后重新开放 3 几个月和 AC 米兰帮助在意大利杯上重新开放意大利的体育运动, 06/10/2020. 她穿着 AC 米兰 T 恤和她惯用的超小丁字裤展示了她的曲线.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/claudia_romani/

Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)
Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Curves on the Beach (14 Photos)

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