有人看到克劳迪娅·罗曼尼在泳池边晒日光浴 (9 相片)

国际模特和电视名人克劳迪娅·罗曼尼(Claudia Romani)被认为与社会保持距离,但仍在努力晒黑, 在她位于迈阿密海滩的公寓的游泳池边, 03/29/2020. 模特身穿不匹配的黑色和豹纹比基尼,正躺在毛巾上, 除了任何人!
Instagram: http://instagram.com/claudia_romani

Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)
Claudia Romani Was Seen Sunbathing by the Pool (9 Photos)

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