杰米·亚历山大 (Jaimie Alexander) 到马里布海滩消暑 (25 相片)

杰米·亚历山大 (Jaimie Alexander) 和朋友一起去海滩,在马里布 (Malibu) 的海里畅游消暑, 08/17/2020. 这位 36 岁的 Blindspot 女演员穿着一件两件式蓝色比基尼,在她的臀部展示了一个真正的纹身. 拍摄《盲点》时,亚历山大在身上纹了无数临时纹身.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaimiealexander/

Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off i
n Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)
Jaimie Alexander Hits The Beach to Cool Off in Malibu (25 Photos)

作者: 发生



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