贾斯汀比伯 & 海莉·比伯在希腊米洛斯岛享受浪漫之旅 (46 相片)

Canadian superstar Justin Bieber and his wife, the American model Hailey Baldwin continue their romantic getaway on the Greek island of Milos, 06/30/2021.
The couple spotted spent their time lapping up the Greek sunshine on their lavish 180-foot luxury Mustique yacht as Justin donned his red shorts and Hailey wearing a skimpy purple bikini.
With a little dinghy ride out to sea, the couple return to shower off in the blazing hot Greek sunshine.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haileybieber/

Justin Bieber & Hailey Bieber Enjoy Their Romantic Getaway on the Greek Island of Milos (46 Photos)

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