Kylie Jenner 在 The Nice Guy 晚餐时穿着白色礼服 (16 相片)

凯莉·詹纳 (Kylie Jenner) 周五晚上被发现在好莱坞与女友皮亚·米亚 (Pia Mia) 共进晚餐 在好人. 两人分别抵达, 穿着两套令人惊叹的套装. 凯莉一身白衣闪闪发光, 长外套和白色高跟鞋.

Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)
Kylie Jenner Shines in White for Dinner at The Nice Guy (16 Photos)

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