تم الكشف عن كايل ووكر باعتباره والد Lovechild للعارضة لورين جودمان (27 الصور)

تم الكشف عن الآس الإنجليزي كايل ووكر كأب لطفل الحب "معجزة" للعارضة لورين جودمان.
الأختان المثيرتان لورين وأميليا جودمان تستعرضان أجسادهما الذهبية المدبوغة في أشعة الشمس الكاريبية في باربادوس, 01/29/2020.
ارتدت نجمة الواقع لورين البيكيني ذي الرقبة المرتفعة وهي تستعرض نتوء طفلها حيث ورد أن الأم ستعلن خبر حملها وأثارت جنونًا إعلاميًا مع خبر أن والدها الرضيع هو لاعب كرة قدم في إنجلترا ومن المقرر أن تقدم لورين فيه. ولادة في 3 أشهر الوقت.
انستغرام: https://www.instagram.com/lauryngoodman91/

Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)
Kyle Walker is Revealed as the Father of Model Lauryn Goodman’s Lovechild (27 Photos)

مؤلف: فابينج

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