صوفيا ريتشي تضحك خلال يوم ممتع أمضته تسبح في المسبح مع صديقاتها (57 الصور)

صوفيا ريتشي ترقص وتلعب خلال يوم تقضيه بجانب المسبح مع صديقاتها بينما تواصل الاحتفال بعيد ميلادها الثاني والعشرين في كابو, 08/25/2020.
شوهدت صوفيا تضحك بشكل هيستيري مع أصدقائها الذين شوهدوا وهم يرقصون على سطح السفينة ويقفزون في المسبح. عرضت العارضة الشابة شخصيتها المذهلة في قطعتين مطبوعة كاريبية أرجوانية من Frankies Bikinis بالإضافة إلى بيكيني مصبوغ بربطة عنق. من الواضح أن المجموعة كانت تعاني من انفجار ، ومن المؤكد أن التصرفات الغريبة المرحة أبقت انفصالها عن سكوت ديسك بعيدًا عن عقلها.
انستغرام: https://www.instagram.com/sofiarichie/

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Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
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Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
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Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Sp
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Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)
Sofia Richie Laughs During a Playful Day Spent Swimming in the Pool with Her Pals (57 Photos)

مؤلف: فابينج

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