Clara Berry sammelt freiwillig Müll auf den Straßen Mexikos (41 Fotos)

Supermodel Clara Berry zeigt, dass sie keine Angst davor hat, sich die Hände schmutzig zu machen – wie sie Müll von den Straßen Mexikos aufsammelt, 12/10/2020.
Die 27-Jährige ist es eher gewohnt, glamouröse Klamotten zu tragen und über die Fashion-Laufstege dieser Welt zu laufen.
Aber das französische Model zeigte ihre fürsorgliche Seite, als sie sich freiwillig für einen Tag der Strand- und Straßenreinigung in der Stadt Tulum meldete.

Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on
 the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)

Autor: Fappen

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