Frida Aasen Berpose untuk Kampanye Pakaian Renang Merek Inggris (8 Foto)

Model Norwegia Frida Aasen mengejar matahari di Monako saat dia berpose untuk musim panas 2020 Untuk cinta & Koleksi baju renang lemon.

Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)
Frida Aasen Poses for the Swimwear Campaign of the English Brand (8 Photos)

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