Clara Berry si offre volontaria per raccogliere la spazzatura per le strade del Messico (41 Fotografie)

La top model Clara Berry mostra che non ha paura di sporcarsi le mani – mentre raccoglie spazzatura dalle strade del Messico, 12/10/2020.
La 27enne è più abituata a indossare abiti glamour e a sfilare sulle passerelle della moda del mondo.
Ma la modella francese ha mostrato il suo lato premuroso mentre si offriva volontaria per una giornata di pulizia delle spiagge e delle strade nella città di Tulum.

Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on
 the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)
Clara Berry Volunteers to Pick Up Trash on the Streets of Mexico (41 Photos)

Autore: svanire

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