Elizabeth Debicki è nella foto sul set di The Crown' (17 Fotografie)

L'attrice Elizabeth Debicki è raffigurata nei panni della Principessa Diana che indossa il suo abito Revenge' al gala annuale di raccolta fondi di Vanity Fair per la Serpentine Gallery durante le riprese della serie TV Netflix di successo The Crown'.

Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)

Autore: svanire

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