Rachel McCord indossa una maschera e mostra il suo pancione in spiaggia (15 Fotografie)

Rachel McCord e suo marito Rick Schirmer si prendono una pausa dall'isolamento e fanno una passeggiata sulla spiaggia di Los Angeles, 03/15/2020. I due aspettano presto il loro primo figlio, ma con Los Angeles che chiede il distanziamento sociale, i due hanno deciso di uscire all'aperto con il loro cucciolo. Indossavano abiti neri abbinati con Rachel in pantaloncini da allenamento, reggiseno sportivo e una felpa e la coppia ha terminato i propri outfit con le mascherine.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/iamrachelmccord/

Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)
Rachel McCord Wears a Mask and Shows Off her Baby Bump at the Beach (15 Photos)

Autore: svanire

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