アレッサンドラ・アンブロジオが自身の水着ブランド、ガル・フロリパのキャンペーンでポーズをとる (16 写真)

アレッサンドラ・アンブロジオはガル・フロリパの夏に熱狂する 2020 運動. ブラジルのスーパーモデルが最新の水着デザインを披露. 体にフィットするビキニはサファイアブルーの色合い, アクアマリングリーン, そして黄金色.
インスタグラム: https://www.instagram.com/alessandraambrosio/

Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Poses for the Campaign of Her Swimwear Brand Gal Floripa (16 Photos)

著者: ファプニング



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