സാന്താ മോണിക്കയിലെ കടൽത്തീരത്ത് സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമായി ഒരു ഗെയിം ആസ്വദിക്കുന്ന അലസാന്ദ്ര അംബ്രോസിയോ (69 ഫോട്ടോകൾ)

സാന്താ മോണിക്ക ബീച്ചിൽ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമൊത്ത് ഒരു കളി ആസ്വദിക്കുന്ന അലസാന്ദ്ര അംബ്രോസിയോ തന്റെ വോളിബോൾ ഗ്രൈൻഡിലേക്ക് തിരിച്ചെത്തി, 08/15/2021.
ഗെയിമുകൾക്കിടയിൽ, സോണിൽ തിരിച്ചെത്തുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് അവളുടെ പിന്തുണയുള്ള കാമുകൻ റിച്ചാർഡ് ലീയിൽ നിന്ന് അലസ്സാന്ദ്രയ്ക്ക് സ്നേഹവും വാത്സല്യവും ലഭിക്കുന്നു.
ഇൻസ്റ്റാഗ്രാം: https://instagram.com/alessandraambrosio/

Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambr
osio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)
Alessandra Ambrosio Enjoys a Game with Friends on the Beach in Santa Monica (69 Photos)

രചയിതാവ്: ഫാപ്പനിംഗ്

ഒരു മറുപടി തരൂ

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