കടൽത്തീരത്ത് ഒരു പെർഫ്യൂം കൊമേഴ്‌സ്യലിനായി അന ഡി അർമാസ് ഒരു രംഗം ചിത്രീകരിക്കുന്നു (67 ഫോട്ടോകൾ)

മാലിബുവിലെ ഒരു പെർഫ്യൂം പരസ്യത്തിനായി അനാ ഡി അർമാസ് ബീച്ച് ചുംബന രംഗം ചിത്രീകരിച്ചു, 10/20/2020.
32 കാരിയായ നടി ബീച്ചിൽ ഉല്ലസിക്കുന്നതും മറ്റൊരു മോഡലുമായി ശൃംഗരിക്കുന്നതും അവർ ഒരു റൊമാന്റിക് നടത്തം ചിത്രീകരിക്കുകയും ഒരുമിച്ച് വെള്ളത്തിൽ കളിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.. നടി ജോലി ചെയ്തിരുന്നതിനാൽ അനയുടെ കാമുകൻ ബെൻ അഫ്ലെക്കിനെ സെറ്റിൽ കണ്ടില്ല. ബീച്ച് ഷൂട്ടിങ്ങിനായി അന സ്ട്രൈക്കിംഗ് ഷാംപെയ്ൻ ഗൗൺ ധരിച്ചിരുന്നു.
ഇൻസ്റ്റാഗ്രാം: https://www.instagram.com/ana_d_armas/

Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Sce
ne for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial
at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)

രചയിതാവ്: ഫാപ്പനിംഗ്

ഒരു മറുപടി തരൂ

നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇമെയിൽ വിലാസം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കില്ല.

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