ജെറ്റ് സ്കീസിനൊപ്പം ടാറ്റി ഗബ്രിയേൽ ഒരു രസകരമായ ദിനം ആഘോഷിക്കുന്നു (14 ഫോട്ടോകൾ)

Actress Tati Gabrielle spends a fun day in Barcelona with the jet skis, 10/11/2020. She’s currently filming the computer game movie adaption Unchartered.
ഇൻസ്റ്റാഗ്രാം: https://www.instagram.com/tatigabrielle/

Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)
Tati Gabrielle Has a Fun Day with the Jet Skis (14 Photos)

രചയിതാവ്: ഫാപ്പനിംഗ്

ഒരു മറുപടി തരൂ

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