Ana de Armas 在海滩为香水广告拍摄场景 (67 相片)

安娜·德·阿玛斯 (Ana de Armas) 为马里布 (Malibu) 的香水广告拍摄海滩吻戏, 10/20/2020.
有人看到这位 32 岁的女演员在沙滩上嬉戏并与另一名模特调情,同时他们拍摄了浪漫的散步并一起在水中玩耍. 安娜的男朋友本·阿弗莱克在女演员工作时没有出现在片场. 安娜在海滩拍摄时穿着醒目的香槟色礼服.

Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Sce
ne for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial
at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)
Ana de Armas Shoots a Scene for a Perfume Commercial at the Beach (67 Photos)

作者: 发生



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