安娜·伊万诺维奇与巴斯蒂安·施魏因斯泰格在马略卡岛的一艘豪华游艇上合影 (34 相片)

前德国足球运动员巴斯蒂安·施魏因施泰格与妻子安娜·伊万诺维奇在马略卡岛的一艘豪华游艇上放松合影, 06/18/2020.
这位前曼联球员在与妻子安娜和他们的儿子一起在游艇上放松时看起来精神抖擞。, 当安娜在游艇的甲板上放松时,巴斯蒂安正在享受一些桨板冲浪和浮潜, 稍后的, 可以看到一家人在午餐时享用寿司的那一天.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anaivanovic/

Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)
Ana Ivanovic is Pictured with Bastian Schweinsteiger on a Luxury Yacht in Mallorca (34 Photos)

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