Elisabetta Canalis 在拍摄广告时合照 (41 相片)

George Clooney 的前女友 Elisabetta Canalis 给我们带来的东西比我们在片场的一场小秀上讨价还价要多一点, 04/13/2021.
意大利模特, 演员, 电视节目主持人被发现在罗马的一个公园拍摄宣传 San Benedetto 矿泉水的广告,丈夫 Brian Perri 和女儿 Skyler Eva Perri 看着 Elisabetta 对着镜头摆姿势.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlecrumb_/

Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis 在拍摄广告时合照 (41 相片)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)
Elisabetta Canalis is Pictured While Shooting the Commercial (41 Photos)

作者: 发生



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