伊丽莎白·德比基 (Elizabeth Debicki) 出现在《王冠》片场 (17 相片)

女演员伊丽莎白·德比奇 (Elizabeth Debicki) 被拍成戴安娜王妃在《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 为蛇形画廊 (Serpentine Gallery) 举办的年度筹款晚会上穿着她的复仇礼服,同时拍摄热门 Netflix 电视剧《王冠》。.

Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)
Elizabeth Debicki is Pictured on the Set of The Crown’ (17 Photos)

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