艾玛·罗伯茨 (Emma Roberts) 在蓬塔米塔 (Punta Mita) 的海滩消暑 (29 相片)

艾玛罗伯茨和她的朋友在蓬塔米塔享受阳光普照的假期, 01/19/2020. 这位女演员穿着时髦的黄色高腰比基尼,和她的朋友们在水边嬉戏,看起来很时髦.

Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)
Emma Roberts Cools Off by the Beach in Punta Mita (29 Photos)

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