Emmy Rossum 作为洛杉矶标志性的广告牌女王看起来很性感 (9 图片 + 视频)

传记片 Angelyne 的第一眼预告片显示 Emmy Rossum 是洛杉矶标志性的广告牌女王. NBC 的新流媒体服务 Peacock 公布了其备受期待的迷你剧 Angelyne 的第一部预告片.
预告片以艾美·罗森 (Emmy Rossum) 的第一段镜头为主角, 1980 年代初期以在洛杉矶周围制作自己的广告牌而闻名的金发重磅炸弹. 预告片还提供了配角的一瞥, 包括马丁弗里曼, 谁首先出现在预告片中, 其角色为广告牌公司工作. 当安吉琳告诉他她想在城里张贴自己的广告牌时,他难以置信.
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Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)
Emmy Rossum Looks Sexy as the Iconic Billboard Queen of Los Angeles (9 Pics + Video)

作者: 发生



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