梅丽莎·巴雷拉 (Melissa Barrera) 身着绿色连衣裙在《高地》首映式上惊艳亮相 (28 相片)

墨西哥女演员梅丽莎·巴雷拉 (Melissa Barrera) 出席在纽约市联合皇宫剧院举行的翠贝卡节 (In The Heights) 首映式, 06/09/2021.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissabarreram/

Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dre
ss at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)
Melissa Barrera Stuns in a Green Dress at the Premiere of In The Heights’ (28 Photos)

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