帕里斯·贝雷克在迈阿密海滩穿着抹胸比基尼看起来很热 (20 相片)

迪斯尼明星巴黎贝雷克, 22, 在迈阿密海滩的海滩上可以看到一件五颜六色的抹胸比基尼上衣和配套的下装, 08/01/2021.
帕丽斯在与男友兼私人教练 Rhys Athayde 一起拍摄新的 Netflix 电影《陌生人》中度过了她的假期.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theparisberelc/

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Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
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Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)
Paris Berelc Looks Hot in a Bandeau Bikini at the Beach in Miami (20 Photos)

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